Jack Kelley/Cowboy- leader of Manhattan Newsies David Jacobs- new newsie Les Jacobs- uses his age for selling tatics Spot Conlon- infamous leader of Brooklyn Kid Blink- always happy Newsie Mush- somewhat gullible newsie Boots- spent a month in Brooklyn one nite Skittery- did'nt know what being in the papes meant Racetrack- always has a hot tip on thr fourth Bumlets- neat fan spin at end o KONY Crutchy- a gimp who needs to finda new sellin spot Jake Snitch Swifty Itey Snipeshooter Specs Dutchy Snoddy Pie Eater Tumbler- a really neat dude who rolled out into the bunkroom in Carrying the Banner (uncredited) Snapes- the dude snaping his fingers in the bunroom(uncredited)