Newsies Millenium
Newsie Drinking Game


Newsie Drinking Game
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For the record...I got this from elsewere

The Newsies Drinking Game
Fairly simple to play - What you need:
A Newsies video tape, a VCR, lots and lots of your favorite beverage
(notice I am neither condoning nor discouraging the use of alcohol - it's your call)
Take one sip whenever:

Race, Mush, or Blink slap each other in the head.
Someone's voice cracks.
There's a glimmer of hope for our boys.
Pulitzer vows to crush the Newsie's strike.
Someone has a good idea.
Someone exclaims "No!"
You find yourself talking the characters on screen.
Blink gets whiny.
Jack disappoints someone.
Somebody does a nifty acrobatic flip.
Jack is being chased.
Denton snorts/ sneers.
Anyone yells "Bummer(s)!"
... "Scab(s)!"
... "Brooklyn!"
Somebody mentions "Roosevelt and the carriage."
...two sips if it's someone other than Jack.
Crutchy looks pathetic.
Sarah is sweet and sugary.
The cheesy backdrop is really obvious.
Race makes a smartass remark.
Take two sips whenever:
You really wouldn't be able to tell what someone is saying if you didn't have the whole movie memorized already.
You spot a glaring blooper.
Somebody says something without moving their lips.
Jack has a complete personality change.
Spot, Mush, or any other newsie is inexplicably in two places at once.
A woman other than Medda or Sarah is on screen.
Sarah looks helpless. (Thanks, Bookmark and K-NINE!)
Slingshots are in use. (Thanks again, Bookmark and K-NINE!)
Someone is hit on the chin, constituting a black eye later in the film.
Someone mysteriously changes clothes in the middle of a scene (adding/ losing articles of clothing counts).
Pulitzer thinks he's got Jack right where he wants him.
Somebody listens to David.
Denton foots the bill.
The Jacobs look like a real family.
Race loses a bet.
Skittery makes a weird noise before he begins talking.
Any of the boys are in their underpants.
Da bulls start chasing somebody.
Jack beats the crap out of laundry.
Anyone's accent wanders.
Someone walking through the room makes fun of you for watching Newsies.
It's obvious that Jack wants Sarah. *
Two sips and a cigarette for:
Pelvic thrust! (hehe - thanks Slick!)
Drink up everything in site if:
Race says something intelligent.
Sarah says something deep.
Les decapitates someone with that sword.
David beats the crap out of Jack.
A mob of screaming teenaged girls runs on screen and attacks Gabe.
The boys are seen buying cigarettes.
Mush has a bad hair day.
Spot dances, fights, or does anything other than stand around looking tough.
Someone falls down and breaks their nose while dancing.
Pulitzer lightens up.
Weasel shaves.
Oscar and Morris decide to be nice - for no reason.
The boys pay for anything themselves.
Medda is really a man.
The gang is saved from certain doom through divine intervention.
Brooklyn appears... Without a slingshot! (thanks, Lyric!)
Medda falls off her swing. (thanks, Bookmark and K-NINE!)
Pulitzer is de-masked in the end and it's - (gasp!) Old man Maguire! "But we thought you were killed in that fire! It was you all along!" "That's right! And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you darn kids and your Mystery Machine!"
The Newsies actually have a Mystery Machine.
It's obvious that Denton wants David. *
* If it starts becoming blatantly erotic, finish your drink and turn off the VCR. Congratulations. You've won.
Want to add something? Mail me. 1997.

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