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Please COPY and PASTE this on to a e-mail on the contact page, or just send to Swing I can get you you rquiz results within 48hrs! good luck

Whose statue is in the square?

Who spins on the fan at the end of KONY?

What Newsie is discribed as gullible?

How old is Les really?

What war did Denton cover before he did the NewsBoy

What never happend since it wasn't in the papes?

Who spent a month in Brooklyn one night?

Sarah is doing what when she meets Jack?

Davie what is Davie called by Spot?

Is Spot infamous or famous?

What year does this take place?

On the wall beside the stairs in the lodging house what does the sign say?

Who volunteered to go to the Bronx?

At the rally who does Medda dance with?

What was the candy guy's name?

What area of NYC in the Newsies is famous for slingshots?

What Newsie had a hot tip on the fourth?

What were the Delancy Brothers names?

Which of the brother's hats is flipped off?

How many papes did Morris give Davey?

What is Jack doing?

When thier in the square behind Davey and Denton what store is behind them?

How much is a salad at Tibby's?

How much were the boys fines?

Were was Jack's father?
ok, this is not hard at all so e-mail me ur answers and if u get half wrong- thats really bad! lol!

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